Updates on mail server and DNS

Its been a rough few weeks and it seems that most of the issues have been ironed out with e-mail and DNS servers, many folks had been out of town when we made changes, yesterday we added squirrel mail to the server, many clients had requested the option,  one of the reasons we made the changes to the mail server was because for many who traveled they would have issues with using outlook, thunderbird or other existing mail clients while traveling.

With the new setting people should be able to use their mail client on their pc with no issues, provided the ISP they are using is not blocking certain ports.

We have also changed the dns servers,  we are in the midst of renewing contracts and it is always a fiasco when we do so, because changing or upgrading usually means new IP addresses, what we have been suggesting to the client is using public DNS servers which work just as well and as soon as we have the new DNS in place we will post them here.

There are tons of free or public DNS servers, we have been using the following, for example you can use Googles dns numbers which are and or and which I believe are Verizon there is a complete list of public dns servers here.


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Our new mail server

This last week we began migrating an old mail server to a new one, from the feedback I understand that many do not like change and found it difficult for the changeover, personally I am never thrilled with any major changes but that’s what life is all about and what makes things interesting.

A few months back we lost a DNS server and we have now rebuilt everything so that migration in the future should be more seamless and easier to do without such harsh changes.

After making these changes I began to wonder if it was worth the effort of migrating a couple of hundred e-mail accounts, and started looking at it at a personal level, especially after seeing so many people who are using web based e-mail and many have switched to Gmail. I have always found web based e-mail services to be a fad, I remember the days of bigfoot, pobox,  excite and others who all offered free webmail service, some are still around and slowly fading others have managed too maintain their existence.

The new changes in our webmail service are are a few we have changed the web address to webmail.laguna.com.mx , this new webmail uses horde and here you have similar abilities which you had with squirrel mailplus you can also change your password through this application. We have installed Spam Assassin to help control spam, if you want this option enable please contact us to do so.

Over the next few days I will be posting other minor changes, and once again add the pricing and services Lagunanet continues to offer.


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