Whats New with Lagunanet

The last couple of years have been some rough ones for Lagunanet, having started this business in 1997 it has been a great experience, and while I do not get out much like I used to I still continue to serve my existing customers, there has been much rumour of me closing down which is not the case, as long as I have customers I will continue to serve those customers.

Many have fled claiming that their service with their new internet provider has been much better which I think is great, for me it has given me time to refocus on what I originally did before I started Lagunanet which is online marketing. Just like those clients who felt they needed a better service, I needed to expand and change things up for myself, they say everything happens for a reason, and I do believe that to some extent, but hard work makes everything else happen.

For the last 6 months I have been able to really focus on my online marketing, and while I am not driving my dream car yet, I will be soon enough, just like I opened up the ability for people living in the Lake Chapala area to communicate back in 1997 it has also helped me open more doors for what I am currently doing now, giving me all the tools to expand my online marketing ventures.

The future 

There are many technologies coming forth, technologies like 5G are on the horizon and will be able to offer higher speeds The internet will only continue to improve over the years, as far as the service that Lagunanet is offering I am constantly upgrading and maintaining my wireless equipment up to standards, not only for the benefit of my customers but for my own, now more than ever reliable Internet is key for my online marketing projects.

New customers 

As of June 2015 this year I hooked up my last customer, at this time have no intentions of taking on new clients, mainly because I want to expand my knowledge and income which for me online marketing is the way to go, in the meantime as mentioned above I will continue to serve my existing customers.

SEO section

I will most likely add a new SEO section to my site in the near future, I have learned so much in the last few months and at my age I had to get the ball and money rolling in fast, so I encountered a rather steep learning curve to catch up with a lot of the seasoned SEO “search engine optimization experts” so far for me this new experience and learning curve has been very rewarding and worth the effort.


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